Thursday, 9 January 2014

The Word With a Nerd Podcast – Episode Nine – Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Part Two

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After the incredibly unexpected hiatus, Word With a Nerd finally returns with Part Two of the discussion with Toby about TMNT. Not much else really to say, it took way too long to get this done but after an incredibly busy December (following an incredibly busy year) I didn't exactly rush to get this done... until the day it needed to be uploaded. Then server issues pushed back the release a couple of years but it finally got out there!

I'm hoping to get a good line-up of guests this year, talking about some awesome topics and recording and editing the episodes way in advance this year, so I'm hoping for some good stuff to come and looking forward to seeing the podcast grow in the coming year.

1 comment:

  1. I walked out of Bayformers at about the 10 minute mark. What a lot of crap. In fairness though, Bay himself walked out of his own speech much quicker.
    Note to self: avoid anything directed by Bay or John Moore (Die Hard 5)
