I’ve been putting this post off for way too long; and all
because it’s the 150th post... which probably seems stupid in that
it probably doesn’t mean much to anyone and I’m getting bothered over nothing,
but that hasn’t stopped the hesitation one bit. I know people read my blog,
they tell me so, and yet it someone doesn’t seem real that people do. Don’t get
me wrong, it’s not like I don’t believe them and they clearly talk to me about it,
although typically not on the blog itself, or even on my facebook feed when I
post an update. Again not a criticism or a cry for attention, just an
observation (I realise the irony that this might indeed cause some engagement,
and I welcome it any form).
I suppose the delay has been a couple of factors, my health
is still bothering me, a few personal things have occurred which has caused
some sleepless nights (and I’m not comfortable to divulge) which naturally hasn’t
helped the first bit, and yet I’ve been incredibly busy with so many projects
that is making me feel drained almost all the time. I’ve been starring at that
blinking cursor for over a week and it’s been haunting me. I was going to right
this big post about all my costumes this year as I realised I’ve posted a lot
of progress but no results, and hopefully I’ll fix that in the near future. I
still haven’t finished a couple of pieces I started on, including a write-up of
Oz Comic-Con which I promised 5 months ago, as well as reviews of some movies I’ve
seen recently and wanted to talk about (including Pacific Rim and The
To be perfectly honest I do miss being able to write some
bullshit every day, and I knew if I didn’t keep it up I would slip and not
return... and yet I still have. These last months have been sparse I agree, but
I still keep coming back, and yes a lot of it has to do with knowing you read
this. Or at least you do when I post it on my facebook (trust me, I’ve seen the
stats), except for the “1” follower and possibly a couple of others who must
indeed lurk.
All I’m trying to really say is, thanks :)
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