As the deadline looms closer to Saturday’s Federal Election,
I find myself morally conflicted on who to vote for, as I assume a lot of
people are as well. I’m hoping through the sheer act of typing all this out
that I’ll somehow come to a magical conclusion, but I’m sceptical it’ll be that
easy. On the one hand I don’t want to vote to any of the major political
parties, neither of them have managed to sway me with their policies, on the
other hand I really really REALLY can’t fucking stand Tony Abbott. You would
think that it would be simple, Vote 1 Rudd right?
Well no, I don’t fully care for some of his views on things
like the Carbon Tax and whilst the NBN would be an awesome thing, I believe
there is still some issues about privacy and censorship that still need to be
ironed out (like full privacy and no censorship... but I’m obviously living in
a world of make believe if I think that’ll ever fucking happen), however his
stance on Gay Marriage is a selling point... although if I think for a minute
that the bill he says he is proposing will go through relatively unscathed then
I’m definitely more delusional than I actually believe.
I also firmly believe that Abbott has got an incredibly
strong chance of becoming PM, not because of his sound policies (which he has
none), or strong economic plans (same again), or because he’s the man for the
job (back to self delusion territory). No I think he appeals to the lowest
common denominator; he’s a backwards, misogynistic homophobe (or catholic). Honestly
this wouldn’t be enough to sway the votes in my humble opinion, but he’s got
the full support by the Sith Lord Rupert Morduck, whose campaign has been
mostly about destroying the public image of Labor, Gillard, and Rudd, mostly
because trying to make Abbott seem like a decent human being was beyond even
the power of the Dark Side of the Force.
So I’m torn. I usually give my vote to anyone but the major
parties, and slowly work my way through backwards through all the other ones I
can’t stand like One Nation, Christian Democrats (contradiction in terms),
until I finally vote for the least detestable party... I think I vote for the
Guns and Fisheries once, but I can’t remember. Although after the last
election, I’m more worried now more than ever.
Last Federal Election was a tie and the PM seat was
ultimately determined by the Independents in the House of Representative, which
is not necessarily a bad thing, but it clearly had a psychological impact on
these last three years. During this time we’ve been constantly reminded that
Gillard got in on a plea bargain... the hypocrisy is that this is obvious an
Abbott tactic but the same would have been for him if HE had gotten in. During
that same period the WA State Election was similarly deadlocked, and ultimately
Colin Barnett got through, and some would say this was a bad thing (I’m one of
them). He recently got re-elected back into office for no sensible reason
beyond apparently I’m living in a state slightly over half filled with morons
(or the fact that State Labor can’t get them themselves elected for love nor
money), but it’s bothersome because this does seem like an indication of things
to come.
Again, I’m torn. Some of the minor parties I agree with,
some I don’t. For example I’m feeling the need to vote Green because I’m hoping
they might be a balancing force if Lord Tone gets into power, but some of their
environmental policies don’t sit well with me (one touting a 100% carbon free
environmental policy... which is just stupid when you think about it!) but
their social policies I’m quite keen on, however I’ve read probably a little
bit too much about environmental activism (and how much of it is just sheer
bullshit) which honestly clouds my judgment. So I don’t know. I wouldn’t mind
voting for the Secular Party but I can’t help but feel like I’m pissing my vote
away, which I know isn’t logically true, but it feels like it. Wikileaks Party
sounds like a fantastic idea, until they turned around and supported One
Nation... pass. Similar things can be said about other parties like The Sex Party, The Nationals...
Wait what about the Nationals? They are part of a coalition
with the Liberals, and I strongly believe this was one of the reasons that
Johnny Howard was able to sustain his position for as long as he did. Why is
that? Every seat that the Nationals win counts as a Liberal win, their combined
totals allow them to potentially win the Election with Liberals naturally
taking the top spot (which the National leader becoming Deputy PM, but who
honestly cares a fuck about that position in politics). Sounds stupid doesn’t it,
but apparently dems da rules. So whenever I heard people go. “I don’t like
Liberal, I’m voting National!” it makes me want to facepalm so hard I fear I’ll
crack my skull open.
Oh and then there is the Senate voting, which should be a
lot easier... and because it kinda is, but don’t let that fool you. Voting into
the power a third party can be a great balancer whenever the House of
Representatives want to push through some bullshit onto the people, but it
works both ways as it could possibly delay something beneficial too. That role
for the longest time was taken care of by the Australian Democrats, whose
slogan was “Keep the bastards honest”, but their power was demolished from the
backlash of the GST.
Okay let’s back up a second. From what I remember John
Howard throughout most of his political career has been wanting to introduce
the Goods and Services Tax, but it become sometime akin to political poison
when John Hewson used it in his bid to become PM in 1993, and ultimately lost
to Paul Keating. When Jackboot Johnny got into power in 1996 it seems that it
was always lurking the background somewhere, despite Jonny saying during a
televised debate “No GST, never ever.” Then he finally brought it in after the
2000(?) election. Somehow the public perception became that the Australian
Democrats were responsible for the GST in ways I don’t even want to go into.
This ultimately led to a massive loss for the Australian Democrats in the 2004
election, but in the biggest “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???” moment in politics
the Liberal Party got voted in leading the Senate AND the House of Representatives...
which lead to the unopposed introduction to the “Work Choices” program, which I’m
sure everyone remembers was a good thing </sarcasm>. The point here is
DON’T VOTE FOR THE MAJOR PARTY! But I suppose it’s a moot point most of the
time nowadays.
Ultimately I suppose I think it’s a great thing that we have
to vote, we all have a direct way of expressing how we wish the country to
proceed, but I instinctively don’t like politicians and I don’t like the
bullshit that comes with it. I’m still torn on this, and I don’t think that
feeling will go away even after I put my ballet in the box.
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