Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Getting Into Ghostbusters: Part 2 – The Boys Are Back

Sometime in the early 2000s after the advent of the DVD player and the awesomeness it provided, my brother picked up Ghostbusters 1 and 2 and we spend the night rewatching the movie and I think it was there that it rekindled my love of the movie. I eventually got my own copies off my parents for Christmas and it would become a semi-regular view, even to the point where it’s becoming a tradition for me to watch it if I’m at home on New Year’s (or at least it seems that’s what happens when I am). During the next few years I’d read up on GB related things and would eventually find the website what was to become, and was even researching a little about making a Proton Pack.

It wasn’t until early 2010 that I finally decided that I wanted to make a go at this whole Ghostbusters thing and my goal was to get a uniform and proton pack ready for Supanova Perth. Funnily enough as I was starting to piece together my first uniform my friend Tammy told me about this Ghostbusters screening in Leederville as part of a comedy night. So throwing together my newly constructed Ecto goggles and my horribly dyed flight suit (I tried to bleach a black to grey and it turned orange, then I tried to dye it back to black and it turned brown) with GB2 patched and hastily constructed belt with shitty fobs, I went to the screening and naturally was the only one there in costume. That being said it was enough that people recognised what I was supposed to be and was very appreciative of the effort. I pretty much knew at that point that I wanted to keep going with this and decided to go forward with a proper costume.

I knew that the first step in getting this together was registering with the GBfans community as I would need to use their trading area to get the parts I would need or at least be able to find links to source several things. Posting on the dedicated Australia welcome page that I met Charlie Richter (aka Brenton) and Davros (aka Dave) who I would eventually meet up for the first bust at Supanova Perth 2010; it would also come a complete shock when it turned out that Dave lived in the same suburb and only a couple minutes away. These guys had both build their own Proton Packs from scratch so they were able to help me with organising my own, and I had plenty of con experience to help them into that scary world. Let’s just say we got mobbed more so then even I was expecting, although it certainly didn’t prepare us for the next year when we started to expand our ranks...

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