Yes, it's finally time to reveal what I've been working on this last week
and it is... FORBUSH MAN!!! .. What? You don't know who Forbush Man is???
Essentially Forbush Man is quite possible the worst “Super” Hero in the
entire Marvel Universe, intentionally created that way by Stan “The Man” Lee
and “Jolly” Jack Kirby for the satirical comic series called “Not Brand Ecch”.
Forbush Man has absolutely no super powers, wears red thermal underwear with a
blue towel and a large Pot for a helmet! So here is my take on this classic
Marvel Character!
I think the only thing I’m slightly unhappy with is the ‘F’ placement as it’s
a little bit too far down... Unfortunately I actually glued the piece on to the
front because I wanted a bit more attachment the (intentionally) bad stitching,
and just guestimated its position as I didn’t have any help at the time to
place it (it’s kinda hard to place someone on yourself whilst you’re wearing
the costume. I also need to possibly add some fibreglass to toughen up the
helmet as the paint is prone to cracking and people with long fingernails have
a tendency to puncture it whilst “looking” at it.
The only real revisions I want to do is get some boots that look closer to
what he wears, or at least make some fake gaters to go over my existing boots,
and add some elastic to the bottom of the pant legs to make them stay in my
boots a lot better (and possibly make them less baggy). Overall I’m happy with
the costume and looking forward to putting on again in the near future
(hopefully when it’s cooler as that suit is a fucking oven!).
EDIT: Because I'm a freaking moron I forgot to give a shout out to Courtney Coombs who provided the patterns and measurements I used for the suit (and my Real Ghostbusters flightsuit which served as a basis of this costume), and my folks for their assistance in getting this done!
lol, now I know what that hero looks like.